Back seat driver

“Anyone who intends to come with me has to let me lead. You’re not in the driver’s seat; I am.” (Matthew 16:24 MSG)

Anyone else a backseat driver?  I do believe I always have been one.  Now that I am born again and trying to stay on this path I find myself yelling even more from the passenger seat, back seat, the trunk even.

Slow down.... Speed up.... Don't go that way.... I don't think God cares about my opinion on his driving he just keeps going to a destination unknown to me. 
I have been struggling a lot lately with the feeling of not having any control.  What is the point of planning when I'm not sure if that's what he had planned. What if I'm just wasting my time?

As I look back every time I get comfortable and plan  the floor drops out from under me.  When I double check all the mirrors I realize that whatever the next destination was it has been a better situation than I was in before.  That thought just came to me by the way.

Example: we had talked about moving for years and always had excuses not to. The time came that we needed to get out of Rantoul god opened up a door within a week and moving was easy.
(Got comfortable) Had to move again so I planned our move from the hospital. I swore off an area ended up there any way. Moving was easy yet again and I  got the job I was hoping for. 
(Not comfortable at all) Work is stressful, felt like I couldn't do anything right. I seriously considered leaving and  had a second job for back up. As I walked out the other day received the affirmation that I needed to keep going.
At home we are busting out of this house and have been since we moved in. We were tempted with moving to a bigger house, but then everything fell apart. Lots of yelling and tears over something I thought would be an easy transition.  So we are at a stand still for the moment.

So god what is your next turn? I am restless over getting comfortable or not again.  Upset that we didn't move....struggling with my pride...and struggling with not being in the drivers seat. But all at the same time i feel like we are on the edge of a break through. I hear..."just a little longer it's not ready yet, just a little longer".  How much longer? Like waiting 100 years for a baby longer or how the past 10 years have gone super fast longer?  Where are we going from here lord, you know our needs.....


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