Um what...wait... you just said cancer?

So after a week of dodging my doctor and the nurse calling me over and over i finally went back today. We were told that we would probally never know why this happened because this was our first miscarriage. Protocol is that they dont usually order a biopsy until after three miscarriages. So when i walked into the room an hour and a half after my scheduled time i hadnt even thought that they would have an explanation for me. Got some news today about the reason for the sudden end of the pregnancy. A biopsy was done because there where noticeable signs of abnormalities when they looked at the placeta and the remains of the baby. My doctor said the abnormalities are called a partial molar pregnancy. Which means that the egg was fertilized with 2 sperm and the baby had 69 chromosomes.
So....this was the reasoning behind my extreme vomiting and nausea so early. The reason my uterus was growing so fast (we were thinking there were twins in there) and i was showing so soon. After a lot of talking between my dh and I we decided that we weren't going to wait that long to try for another but today has changed that plan. Now I have to have blood test done every week until the end of the month and then monthly for 6 months to make sure the pregnancy levels stay Negative. I also have to have chest X-rays monthly to make sure that no abnormal spots on my lungs. If the levels go up that means im either pregnant or there was abnormal tissue left behind that's a sign of uterine cancer. So now we have been blasted with something else. I am going to listen to my doctor who stressed that i "let him take care of me the next six months" so we will wait for labs and x-ray results and pray some more.
I thought that this doctors appointment was going to bring closure to all this but it hasn't. I am doing my best to stay positive and busy. Hoping that this wait will produce an awesome abundant yield. Everyone keeps saying I'm strong I can get through all this, but this just went from grieving the lose of a child to a cancer scare. I'm tired and so weary... I don't want anything else added to my "insight to support others in the future" but I am realizing that it looks like I get no choice in the matter. So now we wait and I let my doctor take care of me for 6 months ...CRAP!!!!


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