300 words of random venting

Woke up all kinds of bitchy this morning. About the people in my life, the way my life is going, the whole thing! I don't like to be peoples pet projects or having people only do things for me because they feel like its the nice thing to do. But Ive been thinking If thats wasnt what the deal was wouldn't though same people still talk to you? I find it funny that even at 30 something people still screen their emails picking and chosing if they are going to email back.... Funny thing is when you needed something I emailed you back. For some reason I thought 30 something was to old for clicks but I was wrong yet again. How is it that I have expressed wanting to become involved but no one has called me about anything but someone that has come once gets more of a welcome and a phone call? The number one biggest thing is dont tell me that you are going to do something that drives me crazy. No matter how you think you put it I feel like your trying to tell me what to do and being that Im a control freak that just does work for me. I feel like people think that they know me but they really don't at all.....
Either the devil is stirring up trouble and trying to get me to distance myself from these people and places OR God is trying to see of I let these things bother me enough to move away again or stay strong and focus on him....


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