No place to call home?
So heres an update on the house.... After a lot of prayer and back and forth we have a contract on a house! YAY?! I think. Most people would be talking about a set closing date or closing by now but we are still waiting for everything to come together. Which is frustrating. Between a seller that was extremely slow to reply(2 or 3 days at a time, two realtors that were technology behind, someone that keeps telling you that they have done this and that but never shows you anything, people's vacations and a ton of finger pointing I was ready to just stay in my tiny house and not deal with another stresser. Lets just be honest and say I don't know if it's because I'm not love with this house or what, but I was just over it all. I want what's best for my family and that house would be great for us. After so many years of being let down I don't fall in love with anything that someone can take take for me. We have waited for the is moment for 10 years and now that...